I have had another blog for about five years, but I haven't been that keen to update it during the past two years. Mainly becuase that blog started out as a blog about my work in Spain, and since my life is very different now then it was back then I thought it was about time to start a new "chapter".
This post hasn't been planned out so it's kind of in the style of my old blog: rambling and un-organized.
However, I hope to have more planned blogposts and a more structured look on it all in the future.
My plan with this blog is to write about my life in the Netherlands. I want to on one side keep my friends and loved ones updated about my life here, but I also want to write about the Netherlands in general from the perspective of an outsider.
I am not the best writer, nor am I good at taking pictures, or at updating my social media. But hopefully I can still pull something together as a result that will still be acceptable.
So, please, join me on my "new" hobby that is this blog!